Himachal Pradesh
State Disaster Management Authority

Himachal Pradesh Annual Workplan 2010







No. and names of districts selected

Kinnaur, Kangra, Mandi

Total Budget proposed by State in the AWP 2010 - Rs. 7926000/-

Budget approved 2010 - Rs. 6955000/-

CORE ACTIVITIES as proposed by State along with the budget

CORE ACTIVITIES as indicated by NDMA

Approved (Activities and Budget)

Budget Approved (Activity Wise) Rs.

Total HR cost for 2010 including Administrative and Operation cost -Total Budget Rs. 32,76,000

HR support at SDMA level (2 project officers @40,000/month ) -total amounting to 960000+ State Project Officer.

2 officers at the state level for 12 months -Budget approved -Rs. 960000/-State Project Officer will be directly appointed by UNDP.


HR support in 3 DDMAs (2 persons/district)-total 6 people at the district level @Rs.30000/month-total amounting to 21,60000

6 officers @ 2 officers per district for 12 months . Budget Approved-Rs. 2160000/-


Total cost to be incurred for HR support for the year 2010 - 3120000

Budget Approved -Rs. 3120000/-


Administrative and travel cost at state and district level for 2010 -approximately 156000 (5% of total annual HR cost)

The state may spend upto Rs.100000 for administrative cost at the state level and upto Rs. 50,000 in each district. Approved budget for 2010 - Rs. 250000/-


District Level Hazard Risk and Vulnerability Analysis (HRVA) for1 districts @ 1500000/district

HRVA in 1 selected district @1500000

Approval for one District Level Hazard Risk and Vulnerability Analysis (HRVA) @ 1500000/-Approved Budget-Rs.1500000


This activity not proposed by State

Inter-Agency Coordination 60,000/year

State is suggested to take up this activity -Approved Budget- Rs.60000 for 2010


Assessment of training programmes on various aspects of DM and Setting of a team at state and Divisional level of trainers for dealing with different facets of DM @ 400000

Assess the training requirement of state and facilitate training of key personnel/State level TOT on DM@200000/-

Approval for assessing the training requirement of state and facilitate training of key personnel/State level TOT on DM Budget Approved Rs 200000/-


Formulation/ Finalization of the state/district/ block/village plans based on existing perception of HVR; State level advocacy workshops on planning and mainstreaming DRR; District level advocacy workshop on mainstreaming DRR @ 225000

State level advocacy workshops on planning and mainstreaming of DRR @ 200000/-

Approved State level advocacy workshops on planning and mainstreaming of DRR-Budget Approved Rs. 100000/-


District level advocacy workshop on mainstreaming DRR @ 100000/-

Approved for 6 District Level Advocacy Workshops on mainstreaming DRR into development planning @ of 100000 (6 workshops@ 16500/per workshop)-Budget Approved-Rs. 100000/-


Training of Government functionaries on DM and preparation of model DM plans @225000

Training of Govt. functionaries on preparation of DM Plan in 3 districts, 6 blocks and 9 villages[3 selected district (Rs.30000*3),2 blocks in each district (Rs15000*6) and 3 village in each district Rs (5000*9) ] -Budget Approved -Rs.225000/-


Training conducted and Sector Specific training modules developed for PDNA @ 200000

State level training programme on Post Disaster Damage and Needs Assessment @50000

Approval for One state level training Programme on PDNA . Budget Approved-Rs. 50000/-


State Specific awareness generation including state specific strategy for advocacy, Awareness and Action for NGOs @ 400000

Awareness generation programmes and development of IEC materials @ 100000

Awareness generation programmes and development of IEC materials - Budget Approved- Rs. 200000/-


This activity not proposed

Training and capacity building of NGOs and CBOs on CBDRM @ 100000

Training and Capacity building of NGOs and CBOs at district level @ Rs 100000 Budget Approved- Rs. 100000/-


Sub Total


NON CORE ACTIVITIES as proposed by State with Indicative Budget (Rs)


Budget approved(activity wise) Rs.

Training and Capacity Building of PRIs and ULB in three Districts on DM @ Rs. 300000/-

Training and Capacity Building of PRIs and ULB in three Districts on DM @ 2 trainings (one PRI & one ULB level) per district @ Rs. 300000/- Budget Approved: Rs. 300000/-


Inventory of NGOs, PRIs and NCC, NSS and Eco-Club groups right up to the village level @ 100000

Approved for development of Inventory of NGOs, PRIs and NCC, NSS and Eco-Club groups right up to the village level Budget Approved Rs. 100000/-


Evolving an effective plan for capacity building of Masons, Carpenters and wire binders at Panchayats levels for safe construction @100000

Approved for Development of Capacity Building Strategy Plan -Budget Approved @ Rs. 50000/-


Capacity Building of ITIs, Polytechnics, NSS, NCC, Eco-clubs, Aganwadi Workers @400000/-

Approved for conducting 3 training programmes- one each for it is & Polytechnics; NCC & NSS; Anganwadi Workers @ 100000/training- Budget Approved- Rs. 300000/-


Procedure and process for integrating DM into development activities, Guidelines for DRR and recovery, decentralized planning for DRR, @225000

Approved for Procedure and process for integrating DM into development activities @ Rs 50000/- Budget Approved: Rs 50000/-


Knowledge Networking and Setting of District level Disaster Knowledge Centre @ 200000

Approved for setting up in three district Level Knowledge Centre /Website at DDMA level in the 3 districts- Budget Approved- Rs. 200000/-


Earthquake Safety programme in schools and observation of earthquake safety day in the state @600000

Approved for taking up the activity in 50 schools @ 5000/ school that will include hazards like Eq & Fire with mock drills. Budget Approved- Rs. 250000/-


Integration of Gender perspective into DM planning & policy by conducting gender specific need assessment @ 100000

Integration of Gender perspective into DM planning & policy by conducting gender specific need assessment -Budget Approved- Rs. 100000/-


Sub Total


Grand Total