Himachal Pradesh
State Disaster Management Authority

Government of India-UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction Programme (DRR) (2009-2012)

The DRR programme is envisaged to support Central and State Government Programmes and initiatives by providing critical inputs that would enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of disaster risk reduction efforts. The pillars that have shaped the programme formulation through extensive consultations with the stakeholders are the following:


  • Disaster Risk Management (DRM) actions stipulated in the National DM Act (2005) to be undertaken by National National DM Structures at various levels

  • DRR priorities identified in the Eleventh Five Year Plan

  • Actions highlighted in the Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA)

  • Lessons learnt from the implementation of GoI-UNDP Disaster Risk Management Programme.

Within the above parameters the programme strives to strengthen the institutional structures to undertake disaster risk reduction activities at various levels, including the risk being enhanced due to climate change, and develop preparedness for recovery.


I) The programme specific outcomes have been arrived at and are as follows:

  • Strengthened State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs) and District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMAs) to fulfill the responsibilities stipulated in the National DM Act (2005), especially with respect to DRM.

  • Methodologies and modalities developed for ensuring risk reduction through development programmes of all partners at national, state and community levels.

  • Urban risk reduction undertaken by addressing planning and development issues through suitable legislative and regulatory mechanisms.

  • Recovery framework setup through which the people affected by disasters are able to access resources for rebuilding their lives and to revive their livelihoods.

  • Knowledge and information sharing platform in disaster management are strengthened


II) The programme will basically consists of two components:

  • Urban Risk Reduction (URR)

  • Institutional Strengthening & capacity building for DRR


The DRR programme is being implemented within overall supervision of Programme Management Board headed by Secretary (Boarder Management). Component (i) is being implemented in 58 multi-hazard prone cities at an outlay of $ 7.4 million (Rs. 37 crore) by the Disaster Management Division of MHA. Shimla City from HP has been selected under this component. And component (ii) is being implemented in all the states of the country by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) with an outlay of $12.6 million (approximately 63 crore).


For the State of HP - URR project has been sanctioned for Shimla City and DRR for Kangra, Mandi and Kinnaur Districts.


First Meeting of State Steering Committee -