Himachal Pradesh
State Disaster Management Authority

  1. Objectives:
    To provide communication network, capacity development in emergency communication and suitable infrastructure development in communication for decision makers, stakeholders and community as a whole. The integrated approach is to provide fail safe communication infrastructure along with the application services to the disaster managers for relief operation in the event of a disaster.
  2. Project districts: Being implemented at SDMA and District Kangra and Mandi.
  3. Funding Pattern: Project is being implemented in collaboration with NDMA & BSNL Communication infrastructure. No funds have been provided to State, however funds will be released by NDMA to BSNL for providing infrastructure and man power etc.
  4. Deliverables:
    • Development of ICT infrastructure in Emergency Operation Centres(EOC) at NDMA/SDMA and District level to coordinate with various organizations involved in DM activities.
    • Receive information/services provided by various forecasting and warning agencies in near real time.
    • GIS Map services provided by NIC and other agencies shall be made available in the EOCs.
    • Providing a single view of the disaster from the disaster site  through integration of various information feeds from Handicams, VSATs, GIS system.
    • Provide platform for strategy and information inter change with MHA,NDMA and other disaster relief agencies.
    • Various GIS tools shall be made available in DOCs
    • Flood and damage assessment models shall be developed and implemented in pilot areas.
    • Operational/technical support manpower shall be provided for 18 months.
    • Workshops/training programmes shall be organized for officers and staff of EOC .
  5. Time line: Project started from the year 2014-15 and closed in 2019.