It has been observed that at the time of a calamity/disaster, communication services are the first to go out of order. It has therefore been decided to put in place multi-mode and multi-channel communication systems so that enough redundancy is available. The communication network between the national and the State EOCs and the site of the emergency/crises has also been worked out which is described the diagram given below.

Emergency Operation Center plays a vital role in the Emergency Operation activation. It coordinates the flow of information with respect to activities associated with relief operations. During the normal times it maintains a systematic database of the resources available, important phone numbers, names and addresses of important government and non-government officials, international bodies, NGOs. During crisis it is expected to function as a center for decision-making and help flow of information horizontally and vertically to the respected departments for smoother relief operations.
As per the Government of India national framework for disaster management, the States are being assisted to set up control rooms/emergency operations centres at State and district level. Assistance for this was being given under the GoI-UNDP project in the States covered by the project (HP was covered under this project). Assistance under the Modernization of Police Scheme was also available for setting up EOCs. The control rooms, which will function round the clock, will be composite control rooms to look after law and order issues as well as disaster management. Equipment were also provided for these control rooms under the disaster risk management {GoI-UNDP DRM programme, (2002-09)} to the selected states. Hazard zone-wise standard layout, structural design and construction drawings have been developed for State and District EOCs. The list of equipment to be installed in the EOCs is also given.
To coordinate the entire disaster/emergency operations effectively, the existing Control Room at the national level has been being upgraded as National Emergency Operations center (NEOC). The NEOC is equipped with satellite phones, GPS, computers, emergency lights, GIS information system etc. in five on-site emergency coordination kits in ready-to-use mode. Staffs in the NEOC have been trained. A state of the art underground an all-hazard resistant NEOC with superior structural features and communication facilities has been set up.
The function of control room is not only to control disaster but also to look after rehabilitation and mitigation. No one knows when disaster will strike, so it's better to be prepared from beforehand to reduce loss of life. We can summarize the function of control room in three simple phases:
- Preparation
- Prevention
- Mitigation
Emergency Operation Center monitors different disaster mitigation programme and co-ordinates with different organization. It also conducts evaluation of the programmes, and immediately takes up necessary measures. Besides, the EOCs may act as control rooms for various other purposes such as law and order problem, elections, VIP movements and other activities requiring coordination.