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Himachal Pradesh
State Disaster Management Authority



Resource Person

Plenary Session -1

Sendai Framework- Government of India Perspectives

Shri Kamal Kishore, Member, NDMA.

State level initiatives- In the context of SFDRR

Shri D.D. Sharma, Special Secretary (Rev-DM) GoHP

Plenary Session -2

Financing in Disaster Risk Reduction

Shri D.D. Sharma, Special Secretary (Rev-DM) GoHP

Linkages between SDGs and SFDRR, and Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into Sectoral Programmes

Shri. G. Padmanabhan, Emergency Analyst UNDP India.

Technical Session -1

Mainstreaming of DRR in development

Shri D.D. Sharma, Special Secretary (Rev-DM) GoHP

Multi Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability Analysis of Himachal Pradesh

Shri G.K Bhat, TARU.

A Case Study of Aizawl and Mizoram City and Recommendations to reduce losses

Shri Hari Kumar, Regional Coordinator, Geohazards International

A case study- Assessing Integrated Climate Risk in the Kullu valley

Dr. Mustafa Ali Khan, Team Leader, IHCAP, SDC.

Technical Session -2

Strengthening of local level capacities- A case study of Mandi district

Shri Sandeep Kadam Vasant, DC District Mandi.

Integrated Geodatabase Model for effective planning of District -Hamirpur

Ms. Rupali Thakur, ADC Hamirpur

Experience Sharing – Administrative Management of Kedarnath flash floods

Shri Piyoosh Routela, Executive Director, DMMC Uttarakhand

Manage Disaster Risks in Schools and Hospitals

Shri Hari Kumar, Regional Coordinator, Geohazards International

Technical Session -3

Licensing of Engineers and Compliance of techno-legal regime to ensure structural safety

Er. Arvind Jaiswal

Disaster Resilient Housing in hilly areas

Prof. Hemant Vinayak, NIT Hamirpur

Utilization of Flexi funds- A case study from Tripura

Shri Sarat Kumar Das, SPO, UNDP Tripura.

Enhancing local/City level resilience

Shri Prashant Sirkek, Joint Commissioner, Shimla Municipal Corporation.

Technical Session -4

Early Warning System

Dr. Manmohan Singh, IMD, Himachal Pradesh.

ICT in Disaster Management:- A case study of Installation and Commissioning of Wireless local area network in Kedarnath valley from District HQ

Shri Rohit Singh, G-Max IT Services

Strengthening of Response: Evacuation planning

Shri Ravi Kumar Pandita, Commandant, 7th Bn NDRF, Bhatinda.

Psychosocial care

Dr K. Sekar, Professor and Registrar, NIMHANS, Bangalore.

Incident Response System

Shri Arun Sahdeo, National Coordinator UNDP India.